Thursday, September 18, 2008


Zane Foster & Devin Kinnear - continued prayers for them as they continue their battles with cancer.

Patsy Ainsworth's family - Aunt Nan passed away while the family was evacuated from the hurricane. Prayers for them during this difficult time of losing a loved one in the midst of the hurricane mess.

Michael Rode - (Suzy's cousin) continued prayers for him as he continues to fight his cancer and get ready for a bone marrow transplant.

Tammy's Aunt Lucy - broke her hip. She is in Austin with her daughter and in rehab at St.David's.

Wendy Cummings - Kathy's mom's friend who is expecting quadruplets.

Barbara Caffey - Rianna's grandma who is recovering from intestinal surgery.

Family and friends of Mary Magee (Brenda's friend who passed away from cancer this past weekend)

Hurricane Ike Victims - continued prayers for all that are affected by the hurricane.

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