Thursday, January 22, 2009

Pray & Yay

Luke Lammert - sciatic nerve pain

Donald Lillard - kidneys & heart

Bruce Brandenberger (Jody's dad) - Conflicting PSA#'s (prostate)

Kaison Cook (Wade & Misty's new baby boy) - kidney problems

The Edwards Family - Jim leaves for Iraq the first part of February

Joan Henager - Rheumatoid arthritis

Verna Rogers - Jeanne's mom...macular degeneration

Prayers for those with cancer -

Devon Kinnear
Ronda Pruitt
Melissa - Lorna's sister
John Hargraves - Kathy's uncle
Kenneth Bubert
Darcy Cassidy - 4yr old little girl with brain cancer that goes to Kathy's mom's church

Also, we need to remember our country, our new president, and all our soldiers in prayer. May we also become more aware of the war and unsettledness in other countries and pray that peace will come soon.

Michael Rode - Suzy's cousin has recovered from his bone marrow transplant and is doing great!
Zane Foster - he is in remission...prayers that he stays in remission!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Circle this Week!!

Don't forget! Circle this week, Wednesday, January 21st, 6:30 PM at the church. Remember the new reading necessary. Just show up for fellowship, food, and a devotional. See you there!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Book Study & Circle this month

Hi ladies!!

Let's get the ideas rolling on a new book study. This will be an open study to anyone that would like to come. Leave a comment if you have a book that you think would be a good one!

Circle this month will be January 21st at the church, 6:30 PM. No reading necessary. Food and fellowship with a devotional...and maybe some music. :) See you there!